Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Adding lightness and downforce: Making a splitter and ditching the headlights

Since this car will probably never be raced at night there was no reason to keep the stock headlights.

~30lb weight loss= headlights, foglights, turn signals, rotation motor, and wiring

Lots of room for brake ducts

Lexan headlight cover

Paint only the back side of the lexan so if the front gets scratched there won't be paint chips

Done: 30lbs lighter and better aero

DIY: Plywood splitter+air dam

Step 1: Get a 4x8 sheet of 3/8" plywood along with the bits seen below in home depot's racing department

Step 2: Cut sheet into 2 pieces so there will be enough wood for a spare splitter.

Step 3: Make template and cut wood accordingly... garbage cans are an acceptable form of sawhorse

Step 4: determine mounting points and drill holes

Step 5: measure distance between splitter and bottom of bumper, cut strips of plywood for air dam.

Mount with 90* steel gate brackets... also from home depot
Then sand and put on a protective waterproof varnish so the wood doesn't rot

Rivet everything in place, screws/bolts are no good as they can blow out your tires if the splitter gets shredded or ripped off

Use an RTV or equivalent sealant around explodes areas to help waterproofing and air flow

Admire snazzy new homemade splitter/ air dam.
Then realize it cost less than $50, and you have a spare in case this one goes tits up when you inevitably crash

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